Guest Book


  1. It's a pleasure to be the first to sign the guest book. We are thrilled to see this adventure begin and even more so to know our soaps will now travel the oceans of the world... Good friends, an awesome vessel, one in a life time memories and awesome goat milk soap... priceless. : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a test to confirm we can communicate. G&G S

  4. Hi Koelby & crew...I have 3 packages for you..One is 3 lights,the other is some kind of string of lights (?) and a big one from Norway...Hope you are getting your sails fixed...Beautiful pictures . What kind of camera is being used...See you soon. Safe oceans to you all... Love Grandma Gail

  5. Hi Koelby and Jessica and Crew......It was great seeing you.. I hope your trip is safe and exciting..Keep us posted.. Gramma Katie

  6. Is there anyway to check on the sea condition where you are???

  7. What an adventure--what a challenge! I love being able to follow your progress. Love, (Great) Aunt Karen & Uncle Tom

  8. The Humboldt Enii were so happy to be able to visit with Koelby and Jessica and Company. What an adventure you are on! God bless you and keep you safe on your journey!
    Love, Uncle Dave and Aunt Merrie Dawn

  9. John Milton mentioned that I might be able to get you on the radio. What is your radio setup?
    I am KF6JGX and may be able to get you on the water if any of you are hams.

  10. Astoria to San Francisco
    I crewed on Trade Winds from Astoria Oregon to San Francisco California from September 9 to September 19, 2013. We ran into rough weather out of Astoria, but punched through to Newport, Oregon where we met up with Jenna’s family, John & Gail Milton, and twin sister, Paige. We pushed on to Eureka, California and connected with Koelby’s aunt & uncle, Dave and Mary Dawn Enos, and family. After great hospitality, we went back to sea and headed south.
    About 200 miles off San Francisco on September 18, 2013 at aprox. 1:00AM our boom snapped in half. The crew’s response was quick and efficient. Koelby and Tom came topside and secured the boom and mainsail on the deck on the starboard side. I stayed on the wheel. Simultaneously, Jessica and Jenna quickly handled a water problem down below. We spent 30 hours motoring to San Francisco where we tied up at pier 39 just in time to watch the America Cup races in the bay.
    Ian Steel became my replacement to continue on south.
    In my view, this is a sound, well-equipped vessel, with a quality crew capable of crossing many oceans.
    Cliff Bauer
    October 3, 2013

  11. Hi Tom and crew! Will you be stopping in LA on your way south? I'm starting work on a project in Long Beach next week. It's slated to continue for a good while, with some weeks off here and there to fulfill some other obligations. I hope the boom saga has a happy ending. You could certainly find worse places to be waylaid!

    Stay safe.

    Tom's Uncle Nelson
    Oct 4

  12. It was so nice to see you all when you were in SF. during the America' cup and have you for dinner with your cousin Benj Enos from McKinleyville. Enjoyed meeting all the crew. (and family members who were here).. Sorry we didn't get together again before you left for Santa Cruz to get the new "Boom" . Looks like you are moving at a rapid speed now...Hope all goes well from now on. Safe seas to all the crew... Love Grandma Gail..

  13. Seattle to Astoria - September 1 till September 9
    I joined the boat in Seattle. It took us a few days to get into the ocean. Along the way we saw some dolphins, a puffin, and a pod of grey whales in Canada. Shortly after we made it to the ocean, about 25 miles off the coast we saw about 50 Orca whales. After that one of the battens in the sail broke and we had to shift our port from New Port to Astoria. It was an amazing trip and I didn't want to leave

  14. All I can say is "Wow" to all of your adventures thus far. Despite some setbacks, it sounds like you all are having the time of your lives! Hope the joy of being at sea continues through your travels. Love and prayers, Sherri (Jessica's dad's cousin)

  15. Hey folks, just checked the map (11/15, at 11:25 AM EST) and it looks like the sailboat can be portaged! Actually I imagine you sailed south and north between connections to the mapping system but the line runs you right across a spit of land…looks kinda mysterious!

  16. I sure hope that their has been enough of that diving off the top of the mast, it is very scary for your father however if I were there and 28 or so well i would be all in also . just want you guys to be carefull and take care of each other and most of all enjoy enjoy enjoy I love you guys safe travels your dad.

  17. A couple of tips I heard from someone about how to catch fish and kill them. Thought they would be useful. Take a rubber glove like the ones you wash dishes with. Turn it inside out and cut the finger tips off. This looks like a small octopus apparently. Put the hook into it. There you have it - delicious bait that my friend said worked every time. Then to kill them, pour alcohol down their throat. Use a little vodka or some other alcohol that won't give the fish a bad flavor. I hope this helps.

  18. Roy and I are very glad that all of you found a Thanksgiving dinner in Cabo. The menu sounded delicious. Tom's sister, Carol, is planning to "do" Thanksgiving with brother and crew in San Salvador when you get there. Safe travels from Mexico to El Salvador!

  19. WOW, I love the new photos and updates !!! What an incredible adventure so far and much much more to come... Thanks Jessica for the "mom's itinerary.. !! LOL,, Glad you found some wind, or the wind found you.... hugs to you all... and have a cold one for me... It's freezing here.. -18 this morning.. BRRRRRR, hugs Ian's Ma...

  20. Fair winds and following seas...from your friends at the Ben-Zaa in Puerto Escondido, Mexico.

  21. looks like you are getting close to seeing Carol Marie! good times in store!!!

  22. Hey you guys I just wanted to make sure you got your christmas gift and to say happy new year even if it was a week ago, anyway I hope all is well and that Keaton gets all his banking issues out of the way so his trip will become more relaxing what a pain in the ass right. well as always much love your father. oh ya my hand is looking much much better and feels good . see ya

  23. Thank you so much for taking me to Huatulco with you. I really enjoyed your company and meeting you all. Had a fantastic visit with my daughter and son in law. Travel safe. Hope all your dreams come true!

  24. What a small world. Koelby's aunt, Merrie Dawn and I attended x-ray tech school together in Eureka in 1976-78..... Now my god daughter, Mandy Warner is joining the Trade Winds in El Salvador. I now have two connections to the boat. Have a great adventure.

  25. Hi Tom and crew. So glad to see you've found safe harbor. I'm eager to hear how you are doing and how the boat is holding up.

  26. Congrats on your safe passage and arrival to Marquesas! Mandy, your posts make me laugh and smile with your wonderful insights into life and all the lessons you are learning on the boat. Thanks for sharing the glimpses into your beautiful world. Be safe and enjoy the adventure! Kim

  27. Thinking of you guys out their on the blue water!!! Its cold as f@#k here in WY but also very beautiful :)

    So glad you are having an awesome time, and cant wait to see you both in person again someday....

    HUGS!!! Caitlin
